Interestingly, none of the criteria revealed by the MCMC are of substantial or technical nature—everything ‘can be enforced,’ ‘can be monitored,’ or ‘can be adjusted,’ clearly suggesting a retrofitting approach or like a ‘selection’ process...
Women empowerment aims not just for equality with men, but for equity, recognising the different needs and challenges of both genders in terms of well-being, finances, and education.
We could have earlier benefited from the experience of countries that wisely avoided SWN—comprising a significant majority—or those that initially struggled with its implementation but eventually pivoted away, like Rwanda.
Malaysia’s trade performance has also been steady into the H1 2024. This trend will likely continue, bolstered by robust global demand and a potential increase in commodity prices driven by the weakening USD, especially in...
Economic asymmetries between BRICS countries, although natural, can hinder the deepening of economic trade within the bloc when it is conducted in national currencies.